cyberpet$529158$ - traducción al italiano
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cyberpet$529158$ - traducción al italiano

Digital pet; Virtual Pet; Virtual pets; Desktop Pet; Desktop pet; Digital Pet; DigitalDog; Virtual pet site; Cyberpet; Virtual petsite; Pet-raising simulation; Artificial pet; V-pet; Screen mate; Screenmate

n. giocattolo elettronico, animaluccio elettronico


Virtual pet

A virtual pet (also known as a digital pet, artificial pet, or pet-raising simulation) is a type of artificial human companion. They are usually kept for companionship or enjoyment. People may keep a digital pet in lieu of a real pet.

Digital pets have no concrete physical form other than the hardware they run on. Interaction with virtual pets may or may not be goal oriented. If it is, then the user must keep it alive as long as possible and often help it to grow into higher forms. Keeping the pet alive and growing often requires feeding, grooming and playing with the pet. Some digital pets require more than just food to keep them alive. Daily interaction is required in the form of playing games, virtual petting, providing love and acknowledgment can help keep your virtual pet happy and growing healthy.

Digital pets can be simulations of real animals, as in the Petz series, or fantasy ones, like the Tamagotchi or Digimon series. Unlike biological simulations, the pet does not usually reproduce.